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We strive for babies to go full term during pregnancy and mom and baby to have a healthy and full life. 

Full Term, Full Life

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What is HELLP?

H- hemolysis (the breakdown of red blood cells)

EL- elevated liver enzymes (liver function)

LP- low platelets counts (platelets help the blood clot)



The first step in combating HELLP syndrome is education. We believe that you cannot fight or stand up for a cause unless you fully understand it. 

Our goal is to equip all with the knowledge and resources to learn about this potentially life-threatening illness. 



Currently there is no known cause for HELLP Syndrome but the cure is delivery. The London Sky Bright Initiative strives to promote full-term pregnancies. One of the goals we have for pregnant moms is to stay pregnant healthily until the baby's due date. In order to obtain this goal is through research, to find the cause in order to best mitigate the chances of another mother experiencing HELLP Syndrome.



Our goal is to partner with health systems and you to produce safe, effective, and compliant research into finding out the cause of HELLP Syndrome and promote healthy and full term pregnancies. 



We recognize that experiencing HELLP Syndrome can be difficult to navigate. Knowing where to go, what to, and even how to cope if you experience a loss are invaluable resources to a brighter outlook. We are here to support through your journey. 



With your support The London Sky Bright Initiative is able to work toward fulfilling the goals of the organization. Your gift is appreciated. 

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